EventsSettle to Spark in Person
Settle to Spark in Person

Settle to Spark in Person

If life is absolutely good – you’re happy with your life how it is, I salute you! However, even if your life is good, BUT you’ve got a pebble in your shoe and you’re not going to settle until it gets out, and you want to light your inner SPARK, this is for you.

Event by Jeanette Mundy


Do you have an instinctive feeling there's something deep down just waiting to be expressed that you're no longer willing to deny? 

Have you spent so much time on taking care of others that spending time on YOU has been put on the back burner? 

Sure, you could be pretty happy with things the way they are – you’ve had some successes, family, career, community, house in the suburbs – all that stuff! 

But… your instincts are screaming at you to stop settling and put yourself first!  

You want to focus on YOU as a whole… to light that inner SPARK

… sure, you can get a high from going to the hairdresser, the gym, listening to a podcast, reading an inspiring self-help book or having coffee with your friends – but it is often short-lived - what I’m talking about is longer lasting … deeper change, BECAUSE it comes from within! 

Hi, I’m Jeanette Mundy.

I support 40+ women ready now to light their inner Spark and FULLY express who they are. 

I stopped on the side of the road, took a long pause. In that pause I uncovered these thoughts and feelings I’d been hiding from the world … 

  • I’m in a job that I like but it drives me crazy that I’m not expressing who I am there

  • I’m going through the ‘traditional career’ motions because I think I should

  • I’m successful in that career so I think I should stay

  • I’m wearing myself out constantly trying to prove my worth

  • I’m earning a really good income and I have a ‘good’ position

  • I’m wondering if I’d be selfish to choose ME – I WANT to be courageous

  • Can I really choose where I want to play in the world? 

  • I’m putting who I am at my essence on the backburner

  • I feel like a passenger on someone else’s bus  

  • I want to make an impact to women’s lives but I’m scared to leap

  • I’m not sure I have what it’s going to take butI’m willing to look 

Sure, I’ve had personal successes, everything I wished for – husband, family, house, career; from CEO | Owner of a Swim School, to management level in organisations, speaker, trainer, coach, consultant, hobbies and interests… 

BUT, the aggravating pebble in my shoe was telling me… there’s something missing! 

I was silencing and suppressing that deep desire to get my SPARK and fully express myself. 

I wanted to feel lit up by life in general, and love who I AM. I wanted to know ME.

I could have died happy as the CEO of the swim school - but OMG NO!

I knew there was a part of me I was pushing down, denying. 

Courage to look resulted in this… 

  1. I found ME at my essence

  2. I embraced my uniqueness

  3. I acknowledged my value

  4. I found the courage to be seen and heard

In this “Settle to Spark” online workshop I’m inviting you to peek in at the possibilities of living a life beyond just settling. 

I’m inviting you to spend 3 hours of your time on YOU, to see what it’s like to go from this… 

  • I’m invisible

  • I’m misunderstood

  • I’m not heard

  • I’m frustrated 

  • I’m pushed around

  • I don’t know who I am, what I want, where I fit

To this… 

  • Believe in yourself. 

  • Have a life that truly lights you up.

  • Feel a deeper level of fulfilment.

  • Be seen, heard and valued. 

If you’re ready to get rid of that annoying pebble in the bottom of your shoe let me show you how we’re gonna figure it out together! 

Along the way they started to discover that they were: 

  • Believing in themselves. 

  • Having a life that truly lights them up.

  • Feeling a deeper level of fulfilment.

  • Being seen, heard and valued. 

If you’re ready to get rid of that annoying pebble in the bottom of your shoe let me show you how we’re gonna figure it out together! 

The “Settle to Spark” workshop is for you if you’re: 

  • Sick of being the peacemaker

  • Over being everything to everyone else

  • Letting your feelings out in another bottle of shiraz 

  • Saying yes when you really want to say no

  • Struggling to communicate what’s important to you

  • Feeling like you’re doing it alone

  • Ready to find YOUR spark and are willing to look within yourself

This workshop is NOT for you if you’re: 

  • Content with how things are and wouldn’t change a thing

  • Not interested in discovering what’s getting in your way

  • Unwilling to do what it takes to look within

  • Going to let fear get in the way of courage

What you can expect:

  • Immersive thought provoking and enjoyable activities that focus on YOU

  • Exploring and looking toward your vision for your future 

  • Groundbreaking methods for shifting what’s keeping you stuck 

  • Diving into hidden talents you may not know you have

  • Looking at why just focusing on changing behaviour is not sustainable

  • Opportunities to share with like minded women in a safe space

Some women I’ve worked with who are now playing BIG: 

Manvinder  founder of IBY, a social impact movement – champion of migrant teens, cultivate courageous warrior of volunteers. With a deep purpose and vision she’s fully expressing who she is.  

Ali a business coach – Profitable Business Coach championing other women on their entrepreneurial journey. 

Standing up for herself, her boundaries and expressing herself fully in her vision.  

Ellie A mindset and empowerment coach – Who developed the confidence she needed to go ahead with her business. 

Rebecca - Who secured a role in a company that aligned with her values, where she could make a real difference and gave her greater purpose and meaning. 

Ariane – a client from the USA who moved across the country with her husband to secure her dream career as a program design officer and significantly increasing her income. 

Althea – embraced self-forgiveness, declared her value as homeschool mum and champion of her children, her husband, all women and children.

Register now and take the step toward IGNITING YOUR SPARK.


EmpowermentConfidenceAwarenessAssertivenessVulnerabilityFearAnxietyOverwhelmProcrastinationCourageBeing FrameworkPersonal GrowthVisionPurposeMindset

Ticket Availability



Mackay Botanical Gardens Meeting Room, 9 Lagoons Street, West Mackay 4740

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If you have any questions, please contact our organiser.

Jeanette Mundy
Jeanette Mundy

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