EventsLet's Get Real Workshop
Let's Get Real Workshop

Let's Get Real Workshop

We are excited to invite you to join John Smallwood and Lucy Faulconer for an intensive, interactive half-day workshop to GET REAL around what it will really take to break through the recurring loop of goal setting that produces ineffective results in your life.

Event by John Smallwood


You won’t want to miss this!

We know we want transformation in our lives! But often, there are areas where we find ourselves stuck and not moving even though we want to transform them.

Even though we want it - we know it’s going to take something. And often these are the areas we are not seeing - our blindspots or areas we are ignoring.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you authentically took half a day to spend on that area where you are stuck in your life?

Workshop Details

We are excited to invite you to join John Smallwood and Lucy Faulconer for an intensive, interactive half-day workshop to GET REAL around what it will really take to break through the recurring loop of goal setting that produces ineffective results in your life.

Date: 11th of January
Time: 8.30 AM to 12.00 PM & 30 mins Q&A at the end
Cost: $60 AUD
Where: Online live on Zoom

What you will get

In this 4-hour participative workshop, you will uncover and get real about those key areas in your life that are getting in the way of achieving what you most want. The areas you know will make the biggest difference to you and where most experience staying stuck.

There are no quick fixes or magic bullets; instead, this is a unique opportunity to get real and create a breakthrough!

What to expect

This may be the opportunity to crack open something that is the access to fulfilling your goals in 2025!

We request you come prepared to join us on-camera for the full session and be willing to participate fully. The session will be interactive with participants engaging through group discussion as well as break out sessions in a supportive and transformative environment.  

'Let's Get Real is an excellent opportunity to access support to overcoming areas you may feel stuck while connecting with others interested in transforming their own lives'

Your Facilitators:

John is the Director and Coach Principal of the Engenesis Coach Academy, a Thrive Master Coach, facilitator and coach trainer as well as a Being Profile Accredited Practitioner and assessor. He is also a highly experienced corporate executive, management consultant and high-performance leadership coach with over 30 years of experience in the corporate world ranging from founding a number of start-ups through to engagements as CEO of listed enterprises. He has successfully led and managed businesses with turnover up to and in excess of $US250 million in Europe, Australia, and throughout Asia. John is based in Sydney, Australia.

Lucy is the General Manager of Being Profile. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Organisational Psychology and has over ten years of experience working with a broad range of leaders and organisations as a management consultant, trainer and coach and has thrived supporting large corporations shift their results through strategy, leadership and culture transformations. She is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation (ICF), a certified Ontological Coach with The Newfield Network, an IECL Certified Coach, a certified Engenesis Thrive Coach and Facilitator, and a Being Profile Accredited Practitioner and assessor. Lucy is based in Brisbane, Australia.


Are there any prerequisites?

No, this workshop is open to anyone and has no prerequisites.

Is there any preparation required for the event?

No, you can attend the event without preparing anything as everything will be covered within the event. Should you wish, you may think about areas that you would like to work on leading up to the event.

Is the event in person or online?

The event is held online over a live zoom call. 

Is the event live or recorded?

The event is a live and interactive experience.

Do I have to have my camera and audio on?

Yes, it is a requirement of the workshop that you attend fully and ready to interact with other participants.

Will I be sold anything at the event?

No, this event is solely focused on workshopping what you truly care about, identifying what is in the way, and facilitating your personal breakthrough in that area.

Do I need to know any other attendees before joining the event?

No, all are welcome.


LeadershipEffectivenessConfidenceVulnerabilityAuthenticityResponsibilityInfluenceHigh PerformanceCourage

Ticket Availability




John Smallwood
John Smallwood

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