Do you feel like there is a broken rung on the ladder that you can't go beyond? Is this stalling your desire to impact and influence others, and grow yourself and your revenue?
Leadership can be misunderstood in the confusion of myths such as:
- Can everyone be a leader?
- Do I have to have a certain personality or leadership style to be a leader?
- Does being a leader means I have to be aggressive?
Because of this confusion many potential leaders question themselves and then don't progress.
They miss out on seizing opportunities such as – personal growth, career progression, developing others, impacting and influencing on a larger scale, and growing their income.
The 'Grow Yourself as a Leader' workshop will debunk that confusion so you can develop the confidence and courage to Grow Yourself as a Leader and set yourself on your path in service of impacting and influencing others, while you also progress yourself.
It is for people:
- Seeking more visibility
- Yearning to make a greater impact and influence
- Desiring to have a voice at the table
- Ready to play a bigger role in the development of others
- Desiring to elevate their potential and grow their revenue
In the past you may have experienced:
- Having unfulfilling jobs
- Being overlooked for promotions
- Hesitating to speak up
- Feeling frustrated and resigned that nothing changes
- Fear and anxiety leading to hesitation to become visible
If you're feeling like 'just another person in the crowd', and you're repeatedly experiencing limitations, then this workshop will support you to put the power back into your own hands and Grow Yourself as a Leader beyond your current reality.
You may be producing results in your current role, you may be managing budgets, timelines, stakeholder engagement and satisfaction and you may even have a part in managing and developing small teams, yet there are opportunities you could be a part of that you're not currently a part of.
To be in the leadership game, you have to step over the broken rung in the ladder, and not only believe you've got what it takes, but take the next steps to making that happen.
If you've been overlooked for your potential, missed out on opportunities or haven't felt comfortable asserting yourself as a leader you may be feeling disheartened and you may be second-guessing yourself. You may even be wondering if you need to change who you are just to fit into the image of what it means to be a leader.
Do you hear yourself in this?
- How can I BE confident to go beyond where I am?
- How can I stop feeling like an imposter?
- How do I break through the barriers getting in my way?
- Do I have to change who I am?
I’ll be worthy of advancing when…
- Someone tells me I’m a good enough
- I get positive feedback
- My team performs/I get clients
- I get things right (perfection)
- I feel worthy
- I’m more educated/competent
- I’ve got better communication skills
The good news is, you don't have to change who you are or pretend to be someone you're not, and you can develop yourself into the leader you desire to be.
The “Future You – Leadership” workshop will provide you with the inside scoop on how you can start now to impact, influence and lead with courage and confidence.
The workshop is for you if:
- You know you’ve got technical and operational skills and abilities to run projects and programs, yet when it comes to stepping up to impact and influence at a higher level, you’re shrinking back into your own uncomfortable skin
- You armour up, pretend to be capable, hide your fears and keep paddling as fast as you can to prove yourself
- Deep down you know that courage is going to feel uncomfortable – to speak up where it matters, and share your ideas, visions and expertise
- Even though you’ve got the skills and abilities you don’t feel like an expert
- You're ashamed to admit where you are is not where you want to be
No matter how much you want this, if you don’t believe in yourself as a leader you’ll put others on a pedestal while you keep trying to prove your worth, or worse still, you may give up.
What you really want is to stop second-guessing yourself, and start now to impact and influence where it matters to you.
To grow yourself as a leader you need to develop:
- The confidence and courage to communicate authentically and assertively
- An understanding of who you are uniquely and how to lead from your uniqueness
- Courage, vulnerability and assertiveness so you can confidently develop others
Workshop Outline:
In the 'Grow Yourself as a Leader' workshop you will learn what it takes to:
Step into confidence
- Debunking your uncertainties and hesitations
- BEing Authentically YOU
- Expressing what you care about
Advocate your value and become visible
- Moving beyond the walls of limitations
- Demonstrating your enough-ness
- Expressing who you are
Lead with Vulnerability, Courage and Assertiveness
- Communicating courageously
- BEing assertive
- Having powerful, respectful, assertive conversations
If you see yourself in this picture register below.