Jacqueline Hofste - Principal Leadership Coach ✦ Published Author ✦ International Speaker ✦ Performance Profiling Assessments
Jacqueline Hofste

Jacqueline Hofste

Principal Leadership Coach ✦ Published Author ✦ International Speaker ✦ Performance Profiling Assessments


Supporting leaders to bridge their personal power with their ability to influence and affect teams, communities and organisations

Jacqueline Hofste is a leadership and talent coach, author, international speaker and researcher. With a master’s Degree in Physics and over 15 years’ senior management experience in the corporate world, Jacqueline is now putting her experience and passion into her life mission to guide people on how they can excel despite the challenges of today’s demanding, rapidly changing environment.

During her corporate career Jacqueline held strategic leadership roles where she was responsible for global transformation projects, mentoring programs and developing a high-performing team culture across several countries, including Australia, France, India and China. Her experience in these roles allowed her to integrate her scientific approach with business culture, establishing a solid foundation for the introduction of archetypal personality profiling to provide a contemporary and cutting-edge education for her clients.

As a researcher, Jacqueline is inquisitive, analytical, and pushes the boundaries of existing belief and behaviour patterns. As a corporate consultant, she boosts creativity and innovation using contemporary methods combined with ancient wisdom to guide and educate people on how to be at the source of this transformational world and thrive with newfound energy and ideas.

Jacqueline’s methods are based on tapping into the intuitive mind and understanding the human psyche. They are easy to follow, deeply insightful, ground breaking and provide a lasting change for individuals, often moving them in an entirely different direction to the path they were on. This range of experience has provided Jacqueline an insider’s view, enabling her to see straight to the critical issues in an organisation. She is now utilising these skills with her background in business to build high performing teams implementing the latest trends in:

      Behavioural performance and leadership assessment and coaching,

      High performing team development,

      Archetypal (leadership) personality profiling and

      Talent coaching.


15+ years in senior leadership roles within blue-chip technology and global companies

Jacqueline’s extensive corporate experience has given her firsthand insight into what it takes to develop and maintain high-performing and engaged leaders and teams within a corporate environment. In these roles, she earned a reputation for effectively turning around the performance of teams experiencing significant conflict and dysfunctional behaviour that undermined the success of major projects. A notable highlight was when she led a process of cultural transformation within a multi-billion dollar organisation and, in so doing, managed to resurrect a 36 million euro global program that was stagnating and repeatedly failed to progress.

High performance can lack meaning and purpose if it’s disconnected from our true calling

Jacqueline recalls that one of the most defining moments in her professional career was discovering that the true power of being influential and effective lies in being fully aligned with our calling and purpose. She brings this fundamental factor into all her coaching conversations and courses.

Some companies Jacqueline has worked with

Specialising in the power of intuitive leadership and its benefits in complex and high-risk decision-making and team-building

Little attention is paid to the power of intuition in a leadership context, even though many of the world’s most influential leaders regularly tap into it. With her science background and experience as an ontological leadership coach, Jacqueline offers valuable insights into what science and other successful leaders can teach us about tapping into the intuitive mind, especially when making complex and high-risk decisions and building high-performing teams.

Published author of The Free Spirit of your Life Purpose

Jacqueline wrote The Free Spirit of your Life Purpose – unlocking the genius plan of your life purpose with the power of your archetypes as a guide to help readers understand how to empower themselves through their archetypes to gain more control over their lives and develop more confidence to pursue their dreams and fuel their passions. Archetypal Personality Profiling is a powerful way of getting to know one’s psyche, as archetypes are the driving forces behind human behaviour. Jacqueline is a leading expert in this field.

Lead facilitator of the Engenesis Influence Leadership Program

The Engenesis Influence Leadership Program dives deeply into the root causes of behaviour and effectiveness in specific workplace-related scenarios that can be readily transferred into action within any organisation. As one of Engenesis’ most experienced and respected ontological leadership coaches, Jacqueline blends her significant corporate experience with her knowledge of intuitive leadership and background in science to show participants how to tap into their intuition and transform their ways of Being to become a leader of influence overseeing high-performing teams.


Master's degree in Physics - Westfälische Willhelms University Münster (Germany) Project Management Professional - Project Management Institute (Philadelphia - USA) Strategic Leadership - Macquarie Business School (Sydney - Australia) NLP Practitioner Certification - Approved by the American Board of NLP - Institute of Behavioural Science (Sydney - Australia) Archetypal Consultant - Caroline Myss Education Institute (Chicago - USA) Being Profile Practitioner - Engenesis (Sydney - Australia) Energy Healing - Samvahan Clinique (Sydney - Australia)

A leadership coach who supports others in their quest to become confident and authentic leaders

Jacqueline works with team leaders, business owners and individuals, supporting them in discovering themselves on a deeper level and building their influence and effectiveness. When working with people one-on-one, she provides them with a blueprint to unlock their innate power and potential by raising their awareness of and supporting them to tap into those deeper human qualities. This enables them to go beyond their perceived limitations and create new outcomes.

Personal Life

Jacqueline loves spending quality time with her family and meeting and getting to know new people. As a former dancer, she enjoys remaining physically active and loves spending time exploring nature and historic architecture. She is also an avid reader with a particular interest in books and scholarly articles that delve into mysticism and human evolution.
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